I can’t imagine (apart from possibly using precalculated curves) how he pulled it off. Jeffrey: I remember being amazed (and still am!) at ‘Crazee Rider’ on the Acorn Electron how Kevin Edwards was able to render the bending road so quickly and smoothly. If you wanted to render sprites in the world then you’d probably get the polygon renderer to also build up a span-based depth buffer, so that you can later use it to do depth testing for the sprite scanlines (and just render them back-to-front, taking the overdraw hit if two sprites overlap on screen). I’m not sure of any good references for it (other than an old magazine series (from Acorn Computing?) which introduced me to the idea), but basically the idea is that you render the polygons manually one scanline at a time, but rather than blindly rendering back-to-front you depthsort the polygons on a per-scanline basis in order to allow you to eliminate overdraw.
Windows 3d maze screensaver game playable full#
Or if you’re thinking of full 3D in the future then using a span buffer would be a reasonable way of avoiding overdraw (for the track polygons, at least).

Unlike the classic games from the 80’s and 90’s you probably don’t need to worry about having a super-optimised renderer, so you could probably just build up a list of polygons for the track + sprites for objects, depth sort them, and render everything from back to front, taking a bit of a performance hit whenever there’s some overdraw due to overlapping regions of the track. If you could split the track into ‘lanes’ and have different heights for each lane then that would be pretty cool. One question : would there be any objections to employing drops and rises in the road for a Fervour style game – rather than making it flat?